Tuesday, July 14, 2009

100pt's!!!!!!for Effects of Static charges~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?

thanks for help^^!!!

1.Describe tow ways in which static charges can be detected.

2.What is the effect of

(a)two objects with like charges on one another?

(b)two objects with unlike charges on one another?

(c)a charged object on a neutral object?

3.An acetate strip charged by rubbing it with cotton is brought near a charged plastic ruler. The tow repel one another. What can you conclude about the charge of the ruler? Give reasons for your answer.

4.An acetate strip charged by rubbing it with cotton is brought near a balloon. The balloon is attracted to the acetate strip.

What can you conclude about the charge of the balloon?Give reasons for your answer.

5.If a vinyl strip is charged by rubbing it with wool, would you expect a charge to develop on the wool? If so, what kind of charge?

6.How could you find out what charge is on your comb after you comb your hair?

Design a test and carry it out. What is the charge? Explain obtained your results and why you are certa

100pt's!!!!!!for Effects of Static charges~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?
1. objects clinging to each other (like hair sticking to the comb), feeling of electric shock (like touching a sweater and feeling the shock), or see the blue electrical discharge in the dark

2. (a) repel, (b) attract, (c) no effect

3. The charge on the ruler is of the same type as the acetate strip (because they repel each other), and it is positive (because the cotton stripped electrons from the acetate strip and left it positively charged).

4. The charge on the balloon is of the opposite type as the acetate strip ((because they attract each other), and it is negative (because the cotton stripped electrons from the acetate strip and left it positively charged).

5. Yes, negative.

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