Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why is it that it's hard to static shock ppl except on dry days, yet lightning mostly occurs on wet/rainy days

doesn't this seem inconsistent. I mean... this means it's hard to build up charge on wet days b/c it dissipates through water molecules, but yet the biggest static electricity discharge occurs on the very days you expect to see the most dissipation!

Why is it that it's hard to static shock ppl except on dry days, yet lightning mostly occurs on wet/rainy days
The moisture in the air probably "short circuits" the build up of power potential needed to shock someone but on dry days with very little humidity in the air you are able to concentrate the kinetic energy into a shock. Think of moist days a buickt with a hole in it when it comes to holding a charge. Except that the water in the air are the "holes" and the energy is the water. Freaky isin't it?

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